Hypnobirthing with Sharon

HypnoBirthing aims to help a woman deal with any fear or anxiety she may have around birth. It involves various relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques to help relax the body before and during labour and birth.
The idea is that when the body and mind are in a completely relaxed state, birth can happen more quickly and painlessly because the body doesn’t fight the natural process.

HypnoBirthing may:

  • Shorten labour. Specifically, hypnosis during birth may help shorten the first stage of labour. Lessen the need for interventions.
  • Naturally manage pain. If you’re looking for a med-free labour, hypnosis may help.
  • Give a feeling of control. Women have said they feel more relaxed and in control. As a result, they had less fear about labour and birth.
  • Result in healthy babies.
  • Help women who’ve experienced trauma. HypnoBirthing may particularly help birthing people who have experienced trauma surrounding birth, or who have a general fear of labour and delivery.

This summer will see a range of online, group sessions as well as 1-1 hypnobirthing classes.

More details to come soon.

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